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Client Testimonials

Our clients become our family and we care for them as they are just that, family! We want to create a space where our clients will feel comfortable, safe, and loved. There is care and compassion when our clients walk through the door, and we strive to get to the root cause of our clients' wellness issues.


The testimonials from our clients demonstrate why Abundant Health & Wellness is not like your typical hospital visit and how we truly care for each individual person who walks through the door. We are here to help and support YOU. 

Emily is truly a Blessing. From the moment I walked through her door, her presence radiated warmth and compassion, making me feel instantly at ease. Her dedication to holistic healing rooted in Faith is evident throughout every aspect of her practice. Through her God-centered approach, Emily not only addresses physical ailments, but also nurtures the spirit, guiding clients towards a deeper connection with their faith and inner peace. Her treatments are not just about relieving symptoms but about restoring balance and harmony in alignment with God's plan for our well-being. I am grateful for Emily's divine guidance on my journey to Abundant Health and Wellness.     




Thank you guys so much! I am feeling really good! I walked in with miserable tooth pain, told that I needed a root canal, and a week later I feel great! I still don't understand the process of NRT, but I know it works! You guys are the best! 




My baby had a rash all over legs, and I was told by the doctor that it was "psoriasis" and that I should plan on "chasing her around with Vaseline for the rest of her life". Her legs were already clearing after 3 days on her homeopathic program. Thank you, again!




I was in a boot for over 2 months for tendinitis and several trips to the medical doctor. This was a second bout of having to deal with being in a boot within a 2-year span. Within 2 days of seeing Emily, I was out of my boot; she helped identify and handle the root cause of my symptoms, which was an immune issue that had planted itself in my ankle. I haven't touched my boot since!




My daughter had severe ear pain for 5 years or so, which had her in tears a LOT. Several trips to chiropractors, dentists looking at x-rays, and Ear, Nose and Throat specialist medical doctors, and all I was left with was, "it's just in her head". Right away, Emily via NRT found that she had an immune challenge resonating within her ears. My daughter finally has relief and now we know how to treat her symptoms during high allergy season when fungus & mold like to flare up!




One of our children was dealing with depression/anxiety and was told to go on a prescription, but we were hesitant, so we saw Emily instead. She handled her underlying issues and oh how quickly her mood changed! True happiness was felt!




A family member had varicose veins and even considered surgery to have them removed because of the pain they caused. However, no need! As she was able to get rid of them via NRT!



My journey to wellness began a few years ago when I decided that I needed to do something to start feeling better. I have struggled with chronic joint, muscle, and back pain since I was 19 and as I have gotten older, things just continued to get worse. I had been seeing various health practitioners since I was 19 and after getting frustrated so many times, I had basically given up. I was told that it was "all in my head", that my health issues were because I was "an overweight mother" (3 months after giving birth to my 3rd son so, I was still carrying the baby weight), I even had one doctor assume I was on drugs!

I had found yoga and gentle exercise to be something that would help with the aches and pains but every time I would get in a routine, something would happen that would throw me off course. And, we all know how tough it can be to get back in the game.


Fast forward to a few years ago, I started feeling even more rough. Adding to my normal pains, I began having major female issues and was becoming more anemic than normal. The pain in my body was getting worse and I could hardly do the things I loved doing let alone function in normal activities. I was so tired, so out of breath, in so much pain. It was a huge endeavor just coming up the basement stairs.  I went back to the medical doctors and ended up having a hysterectomy and a bladder sling. I had numerous complications with the bladder sling surgery and was even more frustrated. I hit my out of pocket max with my health insurance 2 years in a row which left me feeling overwhelmed and defeated as I was not feeling better. 


That is when my son's fiancee referred me to Emily. I decided I had nothing to lose by trying something different, remaining hopeful, but yet skeptic, I went to my first appointment. Emily and Elizabeth were so sweet and as I continued with my treatment plan, I was amazed at how good I started to feel. Within weeks I began feeling so much better. 


Before I started seeing Emily, God was leading me to become a Christian Yoga instructor. So, once I started feeling better, the training I was taking really started to enhance the treatment I was receiving from Emily. My relationship with Christ was also deepening and I was feeling completely "made new"!




I've known Emily for 3 years and met her while we were both watching our girls at gymnastics practice one evening when we were making small talk and she asked me what happened that I was icing my ankle.  I explained to her that I had no idea, and that I had to stop running because my hips and ankles hurt, and that I was also in splints on my wrists at work because I had carpal tunnel; separately I was dealing with a frustrating diet because I was told I had SIBO.  Mind you I had just spent a LOT of time and money with a different natural clinic, doing something other than NRT, as well as underwent a strict diet to "heal" my body from the stressors that triggered my gut health issues.  While some of it helped, I still remained in physical pain and not understanding why I felt like I was 5 months pregnant all the time, even though I ate very healthy and exercised regularly.  Emily offered me her business card and after a few months of himming and hawing I bit the bullet and made an appointment.  That's when she told me I had some immune challenges at the root cause of my issues.  This was a little frustrating because I had just spent the last year (and lots of money!) to feel better and not once was I told that immune challenges were the culprit; instead I was just told that after all that time, effort, crazy diet and money that I'd just have to live with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) forever.  Ick! NRT has helped me with all of the issues I was dealing with (I should mention that my natural healthcare has also corrected my PCOS!) at a fraction of the cost of other natural care clinics I had tried.



I starting seeing Emily in the Fall of 2020. During the summer of 2020 I was drinking frequently, it was as one could say "my party phase". It was a lot of fun, but ended up causing havoc on my body and resulted in me fainting while I was showering. I did not go to the hospital until the next day as the fainting sensation hit me again while I was at work. They did many tests and I was in urgent care for 2.5 hours just to be told that all my tests came back normal and it was probably due to dehydration. 


I was slamming water, stopped drinking, eating somewhat I thought, and I was trying to do my best to take care of my body, but nothing seemed to be helping the vertigo feeling. I scheduled an appointment with my primary doctor, and she told me that it was acute anxiety and that she could put me on a small dose of anxiety medication. I politely declined, as I knew it was something more than just anxiety, as anxiety was never something I struggled with.


I then proceeded to schedule an appointment with an ear, nose and throat specialist as the imbalance felt like it was coming from ears. I also started seeing a chiropractor thinking maybe the fall when I fainted caused something to become unaligned. Once I got my hospital bills back from my trip to urgent care and seeing my primary doctor I had to cancel my appointment with the specialist, as I could not afford any more hospital bills. 


I felt helpless and did not know what to do until my boss mentioned that him and his family see Emily and he explained that she takes a more natural way to healing the body. I had nothing to lose, so I scheduled an appointment and my life was changed forever. 


Emily informed me that I had an immune challenge, my liver and gallbladder function were resonating at less than optimal, I had a sensitivity to gluten, along with a few other things. We set up a dietary and supplement program to get my body back to feeling it's best and within 2 months I had lost weight (in a health way), was feeling amazing, had the most energy I had had in a year and was back to my normal self.


Now almost 4 years later I am healthy, active, and through Emily and Elizabeth's guidance have built an amazing relationship with God, as I would not be here without Him! Emily and Elizabeth have become some of my best friends, and I love them like they are my family. I owe a lot to these amazing ladies and am forever grateful to have them be a part of my journey.



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