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Expanded Testing

Abundant Health and Wellness BioTrue Analysis - $450

This saliva and hair testing kit looks at levels of bioenergetic stress within
your organs and 14 internal system, nutritional and hormonal imbalances,
general categories of resonating toxins (energetic representations of
parasites, molds, chemical, viruses, metals, bacteria, naturally occurring
and tick-borne), food and environmental sensitivities, along with a
balancing regimen. The balancing regimen includes nutritional
supplements, as well as herbal and homeopathic remedies.  Learning this
information helps you answer your own bioenergetic health questions and
make better health decisions. The goal is to bring your body back into
balance and achieve optimum health.


Follow up at Abundant Health and Wellness with a Report of Findings,
included in the cost of the test.

Standard Process Microbiome Test Kit - $175

The patient’s personalized microbiome profile is generated from BIOHM Health’s next-generation 16S and ITS sequencing of bacterial and fungal populations in the stool. It provides an evaluation of the diversity and relative abundance of both bacterial and fungal strains within the gut microbiome.

Follow up at Abundant Health and Wellness with a Report of Findings, included in the cost of the test.

Omega-3 Index Plus - $100

The Omega-3 Index Plus Test is a blood test that measures the percentage of Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) in red blood cell membranes. This convenient test uses a single drop of blood to measure the Omega-3 Index. A finger prick provides enough blood to measure the Omega-3 Index. This test will be drop shipped to you, and a personalized report will be sent to your practitioner via email and will include individualized recommendations based on test results. Eating fish or taking supplements does not guarantee your Omega-3 Index will be in the desirable range – it must be measured.


Follow up at Abundant Health and Wellness with a Report of Findings, included in the cost of the test.

HRV - Heart Rate Variability - $50

Heart rate variability (HRV) measures the fluctuation in the time intervals between adjacent heartbeats. This beat-to-beat interval variation is measured in milliseconds and can vary depending on a number of factors. The autonomic nervous system has two branches (parasympathetic and sympathetic) that send signals to our heart causing it to constantly fluctuate, directly influencing your heart rate variability numbers.

Completed at Abundant Health and Wellness with a Report of Findings, included in the cost of the test.

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